Please find links below to the TurboCAD Mac Work in Progress builds for Pro, Deluxe, and Designer versions which are compatible with the new High Sierra Operating System. These are full installs that will replace your prior install but recognize your previous activation. If you do not have a serial number these builds will serve as a trial version.
1. Click the appropriate link to download the installer
2. Double-click the DMG file to launch installer which may be in your Download folder
3. Right-click (control/button) on the TurboCAD pkg icon that is displayed to open.
4. The app must be installed on the startup disk.
If you have a Mac App Store version which uses a different registration scheme please contact and request a courtesy serial number.
In addition to supporting High Sierra, these builds include several minor corrections and enhancements listed in the Change Log below. For comments, suggestions, serial number issues, and bug reports please contact IMSI technical support at
Change Log 1356
—Updated to support changes in Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra
--Support for KeyShot 7
--More updates for suffix text positioning and leader line trimming.
--Curve repair and minor issue with deselecting previous highlights
--Correction for projection illustrator type curves for duplicated vertices
--Correction for Curve In Plane and bestfit points to plane
—Correction for facet to body for small mesh counts
--Corrected issue with exporting eps files with hidden render mode.
--Updated layer draw views not to draw dimensions that were added to specific draw views
--Corrected minor sizing issues with the preview layer dialog box.
--Corrected crash and large mesh selections
--Added support for smart polygons to two rail solid sweep tool
--Cylinder mesh rings off by one
--Cylinder mesh scale with gripper
--Updates to Wall Thickness calculations for 3d Printing verification
--Changed mesh cylinder number of sides calculation
--Corrections to mesh cylinder and uniform scaling with gripper
--Corrected issue regarding joining two parallel lines.
--Corrected a print issue associated with Mesh objects in wireframe display mode.
--Increased number of faces for offset and translate faces.
--Improvements to magnet tool that allows moving a grouped solid to a referenced solid
--Increased the number of faces that can be moved with the gripper
--Corrected issue with smooth fillet edges displaying in the overlay buffer on mac and not erasing.
--Pasted text now uses the default font/height/style
--Corrected issue saving and restoring layers after 3D Print : Preview Layers
--Corrected issue printing rotated images
--Always create silhoutes for primitives in smart mode
--Corrected issue where lower dim tolerances were positive instead of negative imported from dwg/dxf.
--Background views with images files were not working.
--Correction issue related to remove feature from TurboCAD Explorer
--Corrected issue with healing log file
--Updates to display the pre validate message only once when large numer of meshes selected
--Updated to allow changing pen pattern for section view dimensions
--Replaced radio buttons that were not working correctly in ViewRotation dialog box with a drop down to specify model or screen rotations.
—Corrected issue importing DWG files with certain polylines throwing an exceptionaborting the file import
—Corrected issue importing DWG files with sheet boundaries defined in metric units
--Correction for curvature analysis solids
--Correction for using custom templates from model to sheet and units/user prefs changing
--Corrects the issue with the Print Windows command on High Sierra