The CAM Plug-in for TurboCAD Pro is the machinist’s choice for 2.5D CAD. This powerful plug-in generates native G-code for your machining equipment with no post-processor. With built-in communication software, simply set up your controller, part, and tools and start machining.

Here are the steps below need to be performed for the installation:

1.Right-click on the setup file(.exe) of CAM plugin and Run it as administrator. The installation wizard window will appear, on the first screen, you can change the location where you want to save the files if you want to.

2. Click on NEXT.

3.The next window will be the License agreement, Choose the radio button “I accept the term in the license agreement” and click on NEXT.

4. After that, you are required to input the customer information.

Here you need to enter


  •Serial Number

  •For whom the application should be installed, choose the appropriate radio-button suitable for you.

After entering the required information, click on NEXT.

5. In the next window, select the TurboCAD version for which you want to install the CAM Plugin and click NEXT. 

6.  Click on INSTALL to continue installation. 

7. When the installation is completed, installation success message “Installation wizard completed” will appear, you need to click on FINISH.

Now, open the TurboCAD for which you have chosen the CAM Plugin to run with e.g. TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2017. Inside TurboCAD, it will be available to you in the main menu. See the image below.